Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SOOOO Behind!

Yep, I am ridiculously behind on this blog! But I'm hoping to get a little caught up now! Life at our house this days can be summed up in one word...BUSY! Georgia is now in Girl Scouts, Daisies, and dance. She loves both! She is constantly singing and dancing about here and there. She is our POOKY puppy! OH, she is going to drive her mother crazy I tell ya! I have to tell her 20 times to do something. No there's nothing wrong with her hearing, she just takes her sweet time and stops to smell the roses on a regular basis. Her personality is really starting to show too. Oh the things that come from her mouth! After I yelled at her one day she asked "have I always been this mean? Or did I pretend to be nice so that daddy would marry me. Because he never would have married me if he knew how mean I was." LOL I know, I'm horrible! LOL If she only knew the other mothers in this world she could have gotten. But she good, doing well on her Gluten free diet and finally growing, a little. :)

Hudson has really improved on his speech. HUGE vocabulary, but the annunciation isn't quite there yet. We work with him constantly on it and think he will be just fine in the end. He is Matt junior! Clever, and SO into machines-trains, trucks, helicopters, you name it! We are also in a Green phase...or should I say John deere phase. All we wear these days are JD shirts. He and Caroline are quite the dynamic pair! Together they work to accomplish anything that is off limits. It's kinda funny and scary all at once! And oh yes, the fighting has started...but most of the time they are true friends. Just the other night they worked together well after dinner. As I cleaned up the dishes from dinner, the pair made their way upstairs, and pushed a chair from another bedroom to the door in our bedroom that goes out to the roof of the sunroom. Someday we hope to make it a porch out there, but for now the door is in place with a dead bolt! Well, they got the dead bolt open with the help of the chair and thankfully Georgia alerted me as they stepped out on the roof! ugh, they are trying to kill me! He still worries me with his "no fear" of anything! He climbs ladders, and really trys anything! He does have one fear...underwear! Seriously, screams if we put it on him. We are trying to potty train him...ugh. What joy that is. Caroline wants to sit on the potty too, only she does nothing. And he's tearified of underwear...LOL...Does it get any better than this!? :)
And as I mentioned Caroline is almost as out going as Hudson! Only she has a temper! She is just a peanut, but thinks she is five! Talking away and keeping up with her brother and big sister. She can undress herself now, which she does about a dozen times a day. Her most popular outfit these days...a winter hat, shirt, no pants and boots. As a matter of fact she is wearing that right now! She is quite the destroyer her these days, into everything!

All three are such a blessing to us. They keep Matt and I on our toes! But I'm thankful for all the moments they give us! So fun to watch them grow and change.

Matt is busy as always keeping things in order. He's been slowly adding wood to the barn to make an attic floor so we will have storage above the vehicles. And he also has 100 gerniums growing in the basement that he started from seed. He never ceases to amaze me after all these years. I'm truly blessed for him aswell! Work is going well for him. He does enjoy it, but we both look forward to when he will retire and the danger element will be gone. Actually it's mostly me! He is busy now trying to plan which project to do first this year....there are SO many! If only we had the money to just do them all and be done. But little by little this place with be where we want....when we are 90~! LOL
And me...well I did my photography blog over this winter and became a REAL business! Yes, NY state will now get sales tax from me! (and income tax!) Scary and exciting all at once! I really enjoy it, and only wish I had more time for it. But the kids and Matt come first, so I continue to work late into the night editing pictures, so I can spend my days with them. We are planning a huge garage sale in June to empty the attic of all the baby stuff. It's bittersweet to close the "baby" chapter in our lives, but we are ready. So all the money I make off the sale I will purchase a new lens in celebrating closing one chapter and opening another.
So life is good here! Now that I've caught you up a little....I will get to what everyone wants...some pictures! Here's a few for you! Halloween, Christmas, etc...And I'll try to keep up from here! Until next time....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Some more summer pictures...

Our trip on the Attica/Arcade railroad. Hudson LOVED it!
Looking out the window...*sigh* Love his little eye lashes. :)

First day of school! Don't mind the mess at the back door.

And no tears!

My Handsome Hudson, bruises and all! Boy verses floor, floor wins!

Our annual family photo in the wheat field. It's a whole lot of fun for me to set the timer and run back in. LOL

I just love this one. The way he's holding her and looking at
the other two makes my heart melt.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Catching up..

My favorite...waiving good bye to our last guest.
Typical family portrait these days, Caroline with something in her mouth, Hudson hiding and Georgia loving the camera! Funny thing is I'm pretty sure Hudson is smiling behind that cup!

Again, typical family photo! I'm SO blessed! LOL

Hudson trying to get some presents too!

The girls and I reading a card!

Well here it is OCTOBER! Where does the time go!? I'm so behind, so I'm going to try and catch up with some of our summer pictures. Our summer was good, busy! Parties, picnics, carnivals and more! Matt again had an amazing garden, he just amazing me everyday. We also celebrated two birthdays since I last posted. Caroline turned 1 and Georgia turned 5 in July. We had a GREAT party for the girls. Almost everyone was there, it was a little chilly, but a very fun day. Thank you grandpa for taking all the pictures that day! :) Of course this was the summer that really wasn't. We really only had about 10 days that "felt" like summer. The rest of the summer was cool, and rainy for the most part.
Georgia started Kindergarten this fall without a tear. And is doing dance again. Hudson is still getting speech, even with huge improvement in his speech in the last few months. He is also doing a 2 yr playgroup once a week too. It's been a little hard for him, but he only crys for a minute or two and is fine. Caroline, oh Caroline. It's funny I looked at the pictures I posted in the beginning of the year with her, and she's changed SO much! She's a wild woman! LOL Hudson has started to listen and follow directions (for the most part) and Caroline has completely entered the world of destruction and no fear! She jumps, she yells, she climbs and she gets into everything! But she is good! And she just LOVES her daddy!!!
Matt and I are good on Monday we'll celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary! :) He has been busy with many projects around the house and yard. He refinished our diningroom floor, installed heaters on the pool, buried our electric service to the house and the list goes on. Not mention all the laundry, dishes and mommy chores he covered while I worked this summer. He is looking forward to hunting season and hopefully it will be a good one for him! Next week I will be done with work for the season! Yahoo! It's been a long frustrated year with the weather. Lots of decay and drowned fields. But the end is in sight and I couldn't be happy. I will miss my paycheck, but I love the thought of being here for Matt and the kids all the time. I'm very busy with pictures, I'm happy to report. I'm taking a class now to learn just a little more about my camera. If only we were rich and I could buy all the lens I want! LOL
That's it for about now. I'm hoping to be posting more now that work is almost over. Hope this finds you and yours healthy, and happy! :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The start to summer! I think...

Hello! You know me and my pictures! I have more! So if you like pictures this is the blog to follow! It has been busy at our house (like that is a surprise to you all! LOL) June 2nd Georgia woke with a fever, we treated it with tylenol and mortin for a day and then I ran her to the dr. The dr. (who isn't our regular dr) thought it was viral and to hang in there. That was on Thursday afternoon. By Friday she was much worse and coughing almost non-stop. Saturday was no different, but I let it run it's course. Sunday morning I called the dr's office and said we needed an appt. She had been up all night coughing and was just not good. I took her to the office, our appt was at 10:30, they were running behind so we waited. Georgia fell asleep waiting, slept through the entire appt, I carried her to the van and she slept all the way home. Carried her in the house, she drank a little and went potty and then slept til 4pm! Thank God I had taken her because she had pnemonia! She ended up missing the whole next week of school and returned just in time to finish the last few days. And she still wasn't herself then. Thankfully, knock on wood...we are all healthy now!!! FINGERS CROSSED! Hudson is doing great at speech, talking more all the time. And Miss Caroline is WALKING! Oy! We also had a little bit of excitement in our little town, the bank was robbed! It's about 1.5 mile down the road from our house. The robbers bailled out of their cars and were on the run for about 5hrs just around the corner. Matt was working, so he assisted in the search. The school was on lock down so Georgia got a taste of what school will be like next year. Thankfully no one got hurt in all of it, but it was very scary for the poor ladies at the bank. So here are some new pictures....Georgia and her swollen eye (she is allergic to mosquito bites and she got one on her eye), the girls' five year and one year pictures (when we got the mosquito bite!) and a few others. Don't have a ton of Hudson pictures because he never sits long enough for me to get him! LOL There is a picture of the kids with my friend's kiddos and Georgia's PreK graduation with her teachers. Take care everyone!!! Enjoy the 4th, let's hope for NO RAIN! Til next time...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

More pictures...

Here's some more pictures from our weekend with Manganos and some pictures of our bedroom!!! After being gutted and reinsulated it's finally done! My husband is AMAZING!!!! I love you hon....Look at this room!!! He's the best! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dance Recital and Mangano FUN!

Well everyone here is the latest in photos from our house! We've had a very busy couple of weeks. First, my almost five years of having a child in our house and no ear infections has quickly changed! In early April we all got colds and since then Caroline has had an ear infection that 2 antibotics to kick, Hudson has had one along with an eye infection and then Caroline got the eye infection! Oy! So there's been a few too many trips to the dr! I hope we are now on the mend, although Caroline's nose is running as I type!
We had a wonderful Memorial day weekend! What wonderful weather we had...especially for WNY! This post and the one below have the most recent pictures. There is in the group Georgia's dance recital photos (she danced to "you are my sunshine"), some pictures with our friends the Manganos who were up for the weekend, Georgia and her pet toad, Hudson in his John Deere hat and him admiring the tractor across the street (or should I say dreaming) and some of Miss Caroline just being herself! :) While the Manganos were here Matt, Mike and Mike's friend Camello did everything from turkey hunting, woodchuck hunting and fishing! Meanwhile Mike's wife and I had down the fort with the kids and just talked while the kids played and played! How I wish they lived closer!
Til next time....